Less Hospital Infections with a mobile laminar airflow system

Released on: November 2, 2007, 8:16 am

Press Release Author: Andreas Kunze

Industry: Healthcare

Press Release Summary: To fight against hospital infections and the more and more
resistant bacteria's it has been developed a mobile laminar airflow. Laminar airflow
systems has been used for many years in the operating rooms and have shown a
significant reduction of surgical site infection.

Press Release Body: During moderate physical activity, every person sheds
approximately 1000 bacteria carrying skin scales per minute! The more active the
person is the more he / she sheds the bacteria carrying particles. The areas pumping
most bacteria colonies in the air around a living human body are the neck, the arm
pits, and the loins. Living bacteria can travel in the air as colonies only, an
individual bacterium is too small to survive in the air. The bacteria carrying skin
scales are small, mean size is 12 micros ( one micro is one thousandth of a
millimeter). They sediment as an invisible dust on all objects in the room where
people are staying. If any bacteria are present in the operation wound, and most
often these bacteria are the skin bacteria, they hurry to get hold on the prosthesis
surface too. Thus there develops a race - who will be first to colonize the surface,
bacteria or body\'s cells. By the long biological development, the bacteria evolved
the capability to adhere to surfaces for their survival, not only on the human body,
but everywhere in the nature. Bacteria have thus biological advantage against the
body\'s cells in this race. Once the bacteria attached themselves to the surface of
the prosthesis they form a slime envelope that protects them against the action of
antibiotics and the immune defense of the body. Moreover, adherence to a surface
also changes the characteristics of the adhering bacteria, among others their
resistance to antibiotics increases 100 to 1000 times.
The absolute majority of implant infections is caused by bacteria that landed in the
operation wound during the total hip joint surgery from the air. The surgeon, his
operation team, and the patient are spreading these bacteria continually from the
surfaces of their bodies into the air. On modern operation rooms, the whole air
volume exchanges 16 to 20 times every hour. The bacteria sailing in the air are
swept away, but new bacteria are steadily entering in the air. This is so because
the fans produce an uneven stream of clean air with turbulence that mixes the \'old\'
dirty air with the \'new\' clean air. Such modern plenum ventilation system produce
air that contains about 50 to 150 bacteria / cu meter.
How does toul work: Toul laminar air flow is producing a horizontal ultraclean air
via Hepa filters (H14)that is protecting the operating area and the instruments from
bacteria. All bacteria are swept away by this piston like effect and cannot enter
the stream of clean air. The allowed number of bacteria is maximally 10 bacteria /
cu meter, in reality it is much lower (0,5 -1 bacteria/ cu meter). The clean air in
both systemes is achieved by filtration with highly efficient filters (HEPA
filters). These filters remove 99,995% of all particles large than 0,3 microns (1
micron = one thousand of millimetre). Bacteria are about 1 micron large, and skin
scales with bacteria about 12 microns large.The frequency of postoperative
infections in patients operated on in these super-sterile operation rooms has been
very low - less than 0,5 %.

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